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Thursday 22 January 2009

The hidden language of soul...

18th January'09, 4:40pm, I haphazardly got down of the rickshaw, stumbled a little and enquired guard at the gate of a public school, the way to my class. He looked at me with a puzzled expression as if he wanted to know that ‘what was I doing here?’ I frowned!! He showed me the way pointing towards the direction, but his puzzled face didn’t change at all. Ignoring him, but not really, his face expression was still on my mind, I hurriedly went towards the basement checking myself, my complete attire, my shoes, and my hair which somewhere I knew were not going to fit the place. But still, gathering my courage with loads of anxiety and excitement, I entered the basement… Yo!! drumm, drumm!! The sound touched my ears and mind, out went everything from my head, I was just walking towards the shut door which was at the end of the basement lobby. My heartbeat went a little higher; I stopped outside the door peeping in through the translucent glass. Fast beats of music was the only thing I could hear with a grinning smile on my face. The beats of music were not familiar to me, in fact it was altogether a different style of music comparing to what I generally listen but somehow I felt that my whole body was responding to the rhythm of music.

I opened the door; around thirty people in front of me were dancing to their best. I got nervous and puzzled, wanted to say something but couldn’t.  A lean, short boy came to me, I showed him my id card and was about to say something but instead he politely asked me to wait outside for the next session!! The whole scene appeared to me as if a shy kid was entering a big unknown world.

I went towards the back wall and stood there with its support, thinking… and then soon coming back to my senses and realising that I am a confident being ;)

After few seconds, a tall guy dressed completely in black from head to toe was standing in front of us (there were few more people waiting for the session to begin but their state of mind was fine, they were in their senses, unlikely like me :P). He took our introduction and began the revision of last class. I wasn’t there in the last session; this was my first introductory class. But I didn’t inform the trainer about it; don’t know why, I think it’s always been there within me to challenge up myself, to compete with my existing level… Around four years back I joined this academy but unfortunately couldn’t continue it after three months. So after these many years somewhere down in my heart, I felt as if my present stamina and yearn to learn wouldn’t match my years back energy, enthusiasm and desire. And this action of trying to cope was a way to judge.  

With a little fumble here and there, I somehow managed while the other new joiners with the other trainer were trying their best but their struggle seemed to be an ongoing one. I was full of pride and self admiration, adding more to it, our main instructor, a short and peppy girl, a dancer cum stylist :P complemented me for one of my steps, adding to my confidence and gradually all my inhibitions flew away… it was then just me and my soul responding to the beats of music and introducing me the hidden language of my soul.