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Saturday 4 February 2012

A Blessing

It was clustered and packed; I somehow managed and grabbed a seat. I was in the metro, ladies compartment, wearing a patialla suit and a vermillion color little bindi on my forehead. After two stops, I got down and my eyes were searching for someone. There a little far off, I saw a lean, bald man waving at me. My face relaxed, I went towards him, grabbed his hand and went along with him.

Walking beside him was a feel of comfort, protectiveness and a kind of support which enhanced my persona from inside.

We walked a little ahead, checked out of the station, and went through the accelerator upstairs. 

There was noise all over; all along the way, shoulders crashing each other, things clustered booming together.

Since, I hate noise, my forehead was filled with lines but the touch and feel of that hand was supportive enough to make me calm. Walking down and moving outside the metro station was all changed, new stalls, confectionary shops, stylish outlets. I was wondering, where am I? The outlook of the place was completely new, the air seemed to be filled with freshness, not of air but of something mesmerizing, felt like liking the place though being crowded. It was a strange feeling. My eyes went here and there searching something I could catch and hold it in my arms. I was looking for something soft, cozy, actually a nice soft shawl for my dad. I could see across so many dupattas hanging with shining embellishments. Far off in a corner of a shop, I viewed some dark cloth pieces lying. I quickly moved my steps ahead, as if someone would grab them all. Eventually reached there, looked for a descent one and found a nice brown colored shawl. Asked for the price, my mouth went open like anything. Thousand bucks, “Oh! My God” I wondered what made it so expensive. Agreed, it was a beautiful shawl made of light fibre, soft, frizzle looking but the price exceeded my pocket size.

The best idea was just to bargain at the moment.

 I was about to bargain, immediately, the shopkeeper said, “eight hundred would be final, mam”. I was shocked, before I started bargaining further… “I said five hundred would be fine.” “No, mam, see the fabric, color, its hand woven, I can’t accept it for beyond eight hundred”. Taking two minutes, I gave it a thought and said to myself that it’s not a bad deal. I happily took out money from my purse and handed over to the shopkeeper. He grinned and took it immediately. His big smile, made me a little conscious, I felt as if I was cheated. But couldn’t react and felt as its better to take my stuff and move ahead. I was loitering around the shops, a hand tabbed at my shoulder. I looked back; my husband was standing with a furious face looking at me. “Where have you been? I have been searching you all around.” “Come; let’s move ahead, we are already late. Still in the dilemma for the price of the shawl, unknowingly, I followed him.

We hurriedly caught an auto and reached our destination.

As we reached our destination, there was huge entry gate in front of us. For me, it was the first time that I was visiting this place. My husband was a regular visitor of this place. For him this place was not merely a place to visit. It was a place where he found solace and inner happiness. The very first step of his on the ground; brought an instant smile on his face, a smile which was undying. I felt as if it was the first time he came to this place. His face appeared as a small child as if whose imagination or dream came true. I kept looking at his face with many questions in my mind. Not even looking at me, he simply grabbed my hand and started walking ahead. As we reached near the gate, a young, handsome guy came and stood in front of us. His outlook was very pleasing. His face showered kindness and calmness and his attire represented his depth and soundness of choice. Very gently he bowed and wished us, gave us a warm smile.

Again, he wished us and parted.

We walked ahead, crossing the barren land on the muddy pathway. Entered a small cabin, where a very strict seemed woman was sitting engrossed in her work or should be said piled up with work, I guess so far.  My husband gently knocked at the door, she looked up and said yes please. She smiled at us and gave us a form sort of paper to my husband. He began writing and in the mean while a young lady surprisingly handed over a numb, little doll in my arms of mine. I was in state of shock and the feel of that little one made my eyes shut, I touched her and hugged her to my chest. The water droplets rolled down my heart, throat and finally my eyes.

“It is my child”, and got with joy.

My husband was hiding his emotions but couldn’t and wept slightly. “The eight year long journey to day came to an end but with a new beginning.”

Thursday 19 January 2012

Tiny Tots

Tiny tots,
Here and there,
Making toys with paper tear.
A rabbit, a monkey, a dog and a deer,
All are there,
Just to amuse,
Here and there.
Rabbit hops and eats carrots in red,
And a dog is fed with milk and bread.
A monkey scratches and jumps,
Here and there.
Similar to a deer who also runs,
Here and there.
Tiny tots,
Here and there.