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Tuesday 28 July 2015

What I want my Mumma to do…

Mumma dear,
Please come near,
And hear my words in your ear.

I love the way,
You tuck me in my bed,
After a long tiring day,
And sing me a lullaby ahead.

I still look forward,
To hear stories,
Of your fantasies,
And childhood memories.

I want you to sit with me,
Spare some moments,
Play some games,
When my siblings are away from me.

On table, we should discuss,
What all can we do,
During coming up weekend,
Making out do my best friend.

Now, this is an urge,
Desire to take charge,
Of my timings,
For my play innings.

Once in a while,
You can cuddle me tight,
Under the warm quilt,
While watching cartoon in night.

Mumma dear,
I am happy to eat healthy,
I swear!!
But let it loose at times,
And allow me to have junk in prime.

Mumma said, “Any other requests?”
I said, “Yes, yes, yes.”

Monday 27 July 2015

Special Children’s Special Parents

Miracles happen every day, every single hour,
Only you know where to place your flower.
You are blessed with one,
Don’t consider it a curse and run.
With them you learn the basics,
How to love and care these faces.

You are strong enough,
Which others can’t imagine.
You brush off the rough,
Which may hit your child’s action.

You are an expert, please acknowledge,
Having complete and detail knowledge,
About your child’s struggle and progress,
Making him or her upright flawless.

You certainly make a difference,
Even in your child’s reflection.
Every appointment, every therapy,
Every smile, every hug, makes a point of brilliance.

Parenting is hard work,
And you try hard.
Parenting a special child is harder,
But you accomplish your goals farther.
Your endless encouragement and support,
Makes your child’s life transform and sort.

Happy Parents Day!!

Wednesday 22 July 2015

I am my mother’s reflection…

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me lessons of affection,
How to achieve perfection,
And make an ever lasting impression.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me about suffering,
This can make you bend until you break,
But love and hope can mend if you have faith.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me to give value to ourselves,
No matter how the world treats you,
You should be financially independent yourself.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me that intelligence lasts longer than looks,
And you should know how to repair and cook.
Always consider yourself equal to men,
And show the world that you can match them.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me to be a dutiful mother,
After being an obedient daughter and a loving sister.
No matter whatever comes your mate’s way,
Always stand by him in every bay.

I am my mother’s reflection…

Lessons are many, countless is her love,
I will try to follow her, all above.

I am my mother’s reflection…

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Magic of Rain

As the rain poured,
Drops in my hand,
Which I stored.

Gave me the feel,
Of a light breeze,
Filled me with a new zeal.

Hushed!! I threw it on him,
Droplets ran down his face,
Making him smile with a grin.

I was about to ran,
He held my hand,
Twisted it tight,
And the romance began.

With one hand,
He held me close,
With the other,
He took rain drops and poured.

My face was away,
I smiled and felt shy,
I was in his arms,
He embraced me with his charm.

The drops were pouring,
And we went for a stroll,
With his hand in my,
We felt as if one soul.

Rains always bring in,
Magic within,
It creates an ambience,
Of love and remembrance.