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Tuesday 14 July 2015

Magic of Rain

As the rain poured,
Drops in my hand,
Which I stored.

Gave me the feel,
Of a light breeze,
Filled me with a new zeal.

Hushed!! I threw it on him,
Droplets ran down his face,
Making him smile with a grin.

I was about to ran,
He held my hand,
Twisted it tight,
And the romance began.

With one hand,
He held me close,
With the other,
He took rain drops and poured.

My face was away,
I smiled and felt shy,
I was in his arms,
He embraced me with his charm.

The drops were pouring,
And we went for a stroll,
With his hand in my,
We felt as if one soul.

Rains always bring in,
Magic within,
It creates an ambience,
Of love and remembrance.

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