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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Rainy Memories

Water was flowing,
And rain was pouring…

I was in midst of my memories,
Some ages back,
When I had no worries.

Making a paper boat,
To see whose last longer,
And is not lost.

Collecting and holding hailstones,
Just to see how they melt,
And create musical tones.

Splashing muddy puddle,
 On each other,
Like dirty pigs, we would cuddle.

How can I forget?
Shaking off rain water from leaves,
On my friends, without any regret.

I still enjoy rains…

When water is flowing,
And rain is pouring…

Now I sit back and relax,
Take a break from my work,
And chat.
I sleep soundly,
While hearing the music of raindrops,
Pouring on my window bluntly.

Now I make paper boats,
But for my children
And let them float.

I read them out books,
Sitting near the window,
With the view of pouring drops.

I scream and scold,
When my children are in mud run.
I hide my smile,
Seeing their fun.

Days haven’t gone by,
Now I enjoy with my children’s eye.

Water will always flow,
When rains will pour.

Monday 17 August 2015

The Day of Independence

As the sun rose,
The pomp of glory was in,
Finally and gradually,
Our flag was fluttering high with a win.

Pride was reflected in the eyes,
With smiles and tears,
Cheers and prayers,
Were sang and heard.

The feeling of being free,
The feeling of having our own nation,
Left us spell bound,
With determination and integration.

Tears rolled down,
Remembering those fighters,
Their sacrifice will be cherished,
All along to give us a life brighter.

This journey has been tough,
Full of struggle and blood,
Can’t forget the strugglers’,
Love for their mud.

Now it’s time to stand again,
Forgetting the caste and creed,
Let’s join hands,
And overcome the greed.

Saturday 1 August 2015

A woman keen to be a Mother

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

I touch it twice and thrice,
Move my hand on it,
And giggled through my eyes.

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

I looked into mirror,
With cushion under my shirt,
Felt a sheer joy of viewing my tummy bigger.

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

Saw a lady passing by,
Carrying a child in her womb,
Want the same happiness before I die.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

The first cry,
The first smile,
Will make me touch the sky.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

The first step holding my hand,
Will be cherished,
All through my life in grand.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

Few words uttered,
Will touch my heart,
And bring smile as now I am called a Mother.
I am anxious to know,
When will I get hug and kisses?

My child will run towards me,
When back from school,
Give me hug and kisses, one, two and three.

I am anxious to know,
When will I solve teen problems?

Best friend will be the enemy for worst,
My child will complain about friendship and trust,
I will console and try patching up at any cost.

I am anxious to know,
When will I mend broken heart?

Broken heart, swollen eyes,
He will narrate his love story,
And I will judge his romantic theories.

I am anxious to know,
When will I look match for him?

Dark or fair, short or tall,
My priority will be happiness for both,
Choosing a partner will be his own call.

I am anxious, anxious and anxious,
To see my child born,
And witness his growth and actions.

Will cherish his growth through my eyes,
Love him close by my heart,
Shower my blessings on his life.