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Monday 1 August 2016

The Tragic Life

Life passes by,
with smooth tragedy,
in front of eyes.
You are helpless.
We are sorrowful.
He wins.
We pay costs.
This is a circle,
with an end,
full of loss.
As I see my hands,
are full of hopes.
But eventually, I know
will be snatched
with a blow.
Why were we bonded,
together with love and affection?
When we as puppets,
have to move in your direction.
leaving behind our own world,
one day, we all
eventually come to
your deception.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Be just like me!!

My daughter is playing around me,
And I am in my thoughts of remembrance and glee.

She held my finger,
The way I used to hold my mothers.
Swinged it too and fro,
Oh! My, the same as I used to do.

Leaving behind me, she ran,
Towards her Pa,
Shouting, “Catch me if you can!”

Why are daughters so dear,
To their Father?
I was similarly fond of mine rather.

I put on music,
And she tapped on it,
Which was amusing,
And at times terrific.

I too love the rhythms,
And can’t forget the together dance,
Me and mom with a smile like prism’s.

The flow of water,
Delights her and me.
I wish, I could play again,
‘Find the key’.

Playing with colors,
Is my passion.
Like her, was earlier on walls,
Scribing crayons with least botheration.

She wrapped my scarf around,
Oh! I miss my mum’s saree,
And lipsticks and her frowns.

As she sings a popular melody,
My heart beats longer,
As reminds the chorus singing,
With Dad in our fantasy.

She brings out child in me,
“You will also cherish,
Moments spent with me.”
Dear daughter, have fun,
As much as you can,
And be just like me!!

Saturday 16 July 2016

My Little Girl - From a loving Dad

I have a little girl,
She is my heart and soul.

'Princess', is what I call,

She is herself a doll.

Her little smile,
With a twinkle in her eye,
Takes me far away for a while,
But brings back my smile.

Hugs me around,
With her little arms and am bound.

When she is resting close my heart,
I cherish this moment and creators art.

Her wishes are mine,
I assure that she will always shine.

I am sometimes her Pa, sometimes her Dad,
She is always my little, crazy tad.

Love you my apple pie,
Don't ever leave your Pa for a sigh.

I have little girl,
She is my heart and soul.

Friday 15 July 2016

My Desire

I have desire to fly.
To be free
Like a bird in the morning sky.

Come and hold my hand.
Stretch me out,
Off this land.

Desire is deep.
From inner self,
Just give me a leap.

Let my hand,
Reach out to you.
I am in search,
Only of you.

You are mine,
I am here.
Where are you my divine?

Life has given me ripples,
I need you
To overcome my obstacles.

Hey! My voice is around.
Can you hear?
And come near my ground.

I am calling you
Again and again.
Let me sweep away
Within your domain.

Oh! My Almighty,
I am here at your demise.
Please take me to your height,
And keep me in your sight.

How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Published in #Compendium https://www.amazon.com/com-pen-um-gabe-thomas/dp/1533391637?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

I have two big teddies with me,
Want a mini teddy by tea.
Should be in white,
I promise not to remove it from sight.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

Ok baby, you will soon get a teddy,
Promise you will not fight with your brother Sabby.
Don’t make a face,
I will tell you, how to celebrate Teddy Day with grace.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

Wish your Teddy Bear,
‘Happy Teddy Day’ in its ear.
Make a greeting card,
And offer it with love and regard.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

Pack your lunch,
With some fruits in bunch.
And go with your Teddy,
To a park, Oh! My sweet, little Terry.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

In the evening at tea,
Make a cup of hot Chocó or some tea.
Then draw a picture of your Teddy,
And color it to be perfectly ready.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

Later comes my role,
I will bake a Choco cake for all.
We will sit together,
And cuddle Teddies in this cold weather.

Mumma, Mumma, tell me please,
How to celebrate Teddy Day with ease?

Enjoy your day utmost,
With tea, cake and teddies foremost.
Wish your Teddy again,
‘Happy Teddy Day’ once again.

Do I miss Rains?

I was sitting alone at the shore,
It started raining like a roar.

Sky turned grey,
And tides turned wild in the bay.

I was missing you with a coffee cup,
As soon as the heaven open up.

You are enjoying the same rain,
But are not with me in the frame.
Weather is same,
It will flame.
Through memories hidden by,
Comes back to heart and eye.

We are apart today,
And were apart yesterday.
Yet the rains were beautiful,
And now are sadly the usual.

Sunshine is not here,
It has gone out of my sphere.
Rains which use to bring cheer,
Now ruins the light and bring tear.

Walking together in the rain,
Have gone by like a drain.
Now there are only my steps,
On the mud prints.
Today when I look back,
It reminds me what I lack.

Journey of life,
Is now a strive.
It’s just pouring rain,
A continuous pain.

Heartfelt Lyrics

Thoughts came and went,

With so many lyrics deep within.

Just as if they were few to hear,

Recognized to swear.

Time passes by and flies with no cries,

With lots of happiness around,

Just to make you smile and frown.

Leaving you within a deep impression,

Of pure love and action.

Love indicates purity and blend of feeling,

It strengthens along of together being.

I will make Chocolate for my Children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Published in #Compendium https://www.amazon.com/com-pen-um-gabe-thomas/dp/1533391637?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

I gathered all ingredients,
Chopped Chocó chips,
Shredded coconut,
And mix-in like nuts.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

Next is the turn,
To melt the Chocó chips through burn.
Mix in the shredded coconut,
And nuts to the melted chocolate with a churn.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

Pour the mix,
In molds to make it fix.
Decorate it the way you wish,
Let it then be cooled in a dish.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

Carefully pop them out,
Wrap them or just put in your children’s mouth.
It will slowly melt,
Like a sugary felt.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

The day will be yours,
Note down your scores.
Hugs and kisses will be there,
Today let your kids be spared.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

My children are full of joy,
They jumped on me but didn’t annoy.
They simply said with pomp,
Happy ‘Chocolate Day’, Mom.

Today is a day with difference,
I will make chocolate for my children.

A Token of Love

Published in #Compendium https://www.amazon.com/com-pen-um-gabe-thomas/dp/1533391637?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top

The life is moving on,
To watch a life on and on…
Some blessings to rain,
From heaven, down the lane.
A bond of touch,
Would have cared much.
But the presence is in vain,
Still his hand, on us, remain.
This is a token of love from him to you,
Which I know will always be cherished by you.
We can feel the shower of respect within,
For our ‘Almighty’ who lives within.
The life is moving on,
To watch a life on and on…

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Gazing at the stars

Gazing at the stars,
Heavenly bodies also surpassed,
Bound with inner scars,
I have loved you outlast.

Wondering if wishes come true?
I was standing in every mist with you.
You being the moon face,
Remember, you called me moonlight in grace?

Where are you my admirer?
We had been into our future rather,
Life showed its turns,
We could have fought with its burns.
But unknowingly you ran away,
Leaving me behind with clouds of grey.

Every night I see your face,
Under the beam space.

Wondering your well being,
I am still amazed,
Can you once meet me again?
And explain the relation,
We once acknowledged with that rain?

Thursday 16 June 2016

Dream, My Dream

A dream so close,
Comes and goes.
But pinches in heart,
Like a sweet dart.

Reality is and was missing,
But my aspiration was rising.
Expectations were many,
But how can I forget,
That all was imaginary.

Life couldn’t offer,
But my dream did deliver.
Togetherness of my beloved being,
In a closet of our loving ring.

Smile was also prudent,
In my illusion.
I was filled with diluted happiness,
World seemed engrossed in their own craftiness.

The moments in my dream,
Were special like a morning’s beam.
I opened my arms,
And welcomed the dreamy charms.

The breaking up of my fantasy,
Couldn’t collect my visions,
As was now quite hazy.

But deep down, my spirit,
Knew and felt the magic
Of dreaming a beautiful exhibit.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Religion – make a choice

Systems of faith and worship,
have led to many warships.

Be it any Hindu, Muslim,
Sikh or Christian.
You are forced to follow
the tradition.

You have today’s upbringing,
modern thoughts and beliefs running.

Choices are many,
to be from an artist,
professional, intellectual.
To create your niche in any.

Give it a thought,
Then why to follow,
And not to sought.

Make your choice,
With courage and smile,
Don’t burry your voice.

Follow your heart,
And inner desire.

Be a Hindu – Muslim,
Or follow the trend of Buddhism.

Above all be
a part of section
being secular in direction.

Two choices:
Following your heart
Or believing in all as one art.

Can bring
And certainly will string
Together the lives
Creating peace & less of strive.

Saturday 27 February 2016

A Man in Army

Longer the waiting,
Sweeter the kiss.
I will wait for you,
And everything that I miss.

Every moment is special,
Your touch and love.
I have cherished it all
And kept them close,
Oh! My true love.

People consider me weak,
And show their pity.
But I am strong enough
To face the world’s gritty.

When I sit along the shore,
Moving my hand
In the sand filled land,
Still I feel your touch,
When you are away for war.

Every single news,
Of yours well being,
Makes my day
Full of meaning.

All my prayers and hopes
Are brighten with your existence,
Even if there are distant slopes.

You are the man in army,
Full bounded with responsibility
Towards your people and land,
Makes me proud in grand.

A man in army,
Is worth waiting for
In this long journey.