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Thursday 3 December 2015

Learn to Distinguish

Inspired from some quotations and article ‘3 important things I am going to teach my daughter’ published in The Champa Tree, here’s a small poem for all daughters and sons J

Dear daughter,

When you choose
Your Mr. Right,
Please be clear and bright.

Don’t go for a man, who flatters you,
The one who compliments is right for you.

Flattering will always harm you,
But the right compliments
Will enhance the personality inside you.

When you choose
Your Mr. Right,
Please be clear and bright.

There can be a man,
Who will spend lavishly on you,
And can be a man,
Who will invest in you.
The right one will always
Invest time, love and interest in you.

When you choose
Your Mr. Right,
Please be clear and bright.

A man who abuses,
Physically or mentally,
Is not a worth to be a human,
Can be announced openly.

Rather choose the one,
Who knows love, mutual bonding, respect
And is mature enough to handle
A relationship to core.

When you choose
Your Mr. Right,
Please be clear and bright.

Don’t go for a man,
Who treats you
As his private property.
Rather choose the one,
Who treats you properly.

In the end,
A message to all our sons,
Just be the right kind of man,
And see the flourishing
Persona of your woman.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

The Re-Meet

This is one of my favourite scene so have penned down this emotional scene in form of a poetry. Hope you will enjoy reading and remembering this beautiful scene of the most beautiful couple in Hindi Cinema.

I met him after years,
My eyes were wet with tears.

My smile was short,
With several questions
In my heat to sort.

Every step I took
Towards him.
Brought my soul
To peace within.

He was looking at me
But not in my eyes
To dream.

His eyes were trying
To respond,
But eventually,
A tear rolled down.

I saw his that tear,
Which gave me jitters,
I swear!!

When was a foot apart,
I forward my hand to start.

He opened both his arms,
Wanted to hug,
But swiftly
Changed it to one hand,
To handshake,
His once beloved in grand.

I was speechless,
He was speechless,
We both were
Bound to be clueless.

I introduced him
As a friend.
Our love has taken
Full round from
Love to relation
Of an unknown blend.


I was in a mist,
To ruin or continue,
With the life’s twist.

My tears were not seen,
But my mistake was on Sheen.

I was surrounded by
Cruelty of words,
Uttered by those,
Who promised me
 Bed of rose.

Every action of mine,
Was given a different form,
Even my beloved,
Didn’t had courage
To differentiate between
Right and wrong.

The one who couldn’t,
Stand by my side.
Took me for granted
And destroyed my life.

Now, I am back,
From where I started,
But with a spot,
As I was a target.

Life sometimes
Seems meaningless,
But my courage,
Wouldn’t be any less.

I will build my dreams again,
And will ask almighty
To fulfill them with my gain.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Rainy Memories

Water was flowing,
And rain was pouring…

I was in midst of my memories,
Some ages back,
When I had no worries.

Making a paper boat,
To see whose last longer,
And is not lost.

Collecting and holding hailstones,
Just to see how they melt,
And create musical tones.

Splashing muddy puddle,
 On each other,
Like dirty pigs, we would cuddle.

How can I forget?
Shaking off rain water from leaves,
On my friends, without any regret.

I still enjoy rains…

When water is flowing,
And rain is pouring…

Now I sit back and relax,
Take a break from my work,
And chat.
I sleep soundly,
While hearing the music of raindrops,
Pouring on my window bluntly.

Now I make paper boats,
But for my children
And let them float.

I read them out books,
Sitting near the window,
With the view of pouring drops.

I scream and scold,
When my children are in mud run.
I hide my smile,
Seeing their fun.

Days haven’t gone by,
Now I enjoy with my children’s eye.

Water will always flow,
When rains will pour.

Monday 17 August 2015

The Day of Independence

As the sun rose,
The pomp of glory was in,
Finally and gradually,
Our flag was fluttering high with a win.

Pride was reflected in the eyes,
With smiles and tears,
Cheers and prayers,
Were sang and heard.

The feeling of being free,
The feeling of having our own nation,
Left us spell bound,
With determination and integration.

Tears rolled down,
Remembering those fighters,
Their sacrifice will be cherished,
All along to give us a life brighter.

This journey has been tough,
Full of struggle and blood,
Can’t forget the strugglers’,
Love for their mud.

Now it’s time to stand again,
Forgetting the caste and creed,
Let’s join hands,
And overcome the greed.

Saturday 1 August 2015

A woman keen to be a Mother

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

I touch it twice and thrice,
Move my hand on it,
And giggled through my eyes.

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

I looked into mirror,
With cushion under my shirt,
Felt a sheer joy of viewing my tummy bigger.

I am anxious to know,
When will my tummy grow?

Saw a lady passing by,
Carrying a child in her womb,
Want the same happiness before I die.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

The first cry,
The first smile,
Will make me touch the sky.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

The first step holding my hand,
Will be cherished,
All through my life in grand.

I am anxious to know,
When will I hear word ‘Mommy’?

Few words uttered,
Will touch my heart,
And bring smile as now I am called a Mother.
I am anxious to know,
When will I get hug and kisses?

My child will run towards me,
When back from school,
Give me hug and kisses, one, two and three.

I am anxious to know,
When will I solve teen problems?

Best friend will be the enemy for worst,
My child will complain about friendship and trust,
I will console and try patching up at any cost.

I am anxious to know,
When will I mend broken heart?

Broken heart, swollen eyes,
He will narrate his love story,
And I will judge his romantic theories.

I am anxious to know,
When will I look match for him?

Dark or fair, short or tall,
My priority will be happiness for both,
Choosing a partner will be his own call.

I am anxious, anxious and anxious,
To see my child born,
And witness his growth and actions.

Will cherish his growth through my eyes,
Love him close by my heart,
Shower my blessings on his life.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

What I want my Mumma to do…

Mumma dear,
Please come near,
And hear my words in your ear.

I love the way,
You tuck me in my bed,
After a long tiring day,
And sing me a lullaby ahead.

I still look forward,
To hear stories,
Of your fantasies,
And childhood memories.

I want you to sit with me,
Spare some moments,
Play some games,
When my siblings are away from me.

On table, we should discuss,
What all can we do,
During coming up weekend,
Making out do my best friend.

Now, this is an urge,
Desire to take charge,
Of my timings,
For my play innings.

Once in a while,
You can cuddle me tight,
Under the warm quilt,
While watching cartoon in night.

Mumma dear,
I am happy to eat healthy,
I swear!!
But let it loose at times,
And allow me to have junk in prime.

Mumma said, “Any other requests?”
I said, “Yes, yes, yes.”

Monday 27 July 2015

Special Children’s Special Parents

Miracles happen every day, every single hour,
Only you know where to place your flower.
You are blessed with one,
Don’t consider it a curse and run.
With them you learn the basics,
How to love and care these faces.

You are strong enough,
Which others can’t imagine.
You brush off the rough,
Which may hit your child’s action.

You are an expert, please acknowledge,
Having complete and detail knowledge,
About your child’s struggle and progress,
Making him or her upright flawless.

You certainly make a difference,
Even in your child’s reflection.
Every appointment, every therapy,
Every smile, every hug, makes a point of brilliance.

Parenting is hard work,
And you try hard.
Parenting a special child is harder,
But you accomplish your goals farther.
Your endless encouragement and support,
Makes your child’s life transform and sort.

Happy Parents Day!!

Wednesday 22 July 2015

I am my mother’s reflection…

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me lessons of affection,
How to achieve perfection,
And make an ever lasting impression.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me about suffering,
This can make you bend until you break,
But love and hope can mend if you have faith.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me to give value to ourselves,
No matter how the world treats you,
You should be financially independent yourself.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me that intelligence lasts longer than looks,
And you should know how to repair and cook.
Always consider yourself equal to men,
And show the world that you can match them.

I am my mother’s reflection…

She taught me to be a dutiful mother,
After being an obedient daughter and a loving sister.
No matter whatever comes your mate’s way,
Always stand by him in every bay.

I am my mother’s reflection…

Lessons are many, countless is her love,
I will try to follow her, all above.

I am my mother’s reflection…

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Magic of Rain

As the rain poured,
Drops in my hand,
Which I stored.

Gave me the feel,
Of a light breeze,
Filled me with a new zeal.

Hushed!! I threw it on him,
Droplets ran down his face,
Making him smile with a grin.

I was about to ran,
He held my hand,
Twisted it tight,
And the romance began.

With one hand,
He held me close,
With the other,
He took rain drops and poured.

My face was away,
I smiled and felt shy,
I was in his arms,
He embraced me with his charm.

The drops were pouring,
And we went for a stroll,
With his hand in my,
We felt as if one soul.

Rains always bring in,
Magic within,
It creates an ambience,
Of love and remembrance.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Heart to heart

When you hold me,
When you embrace me,
I often worry, if you will leave me?

No matter how strong,
Our relationship is along,
Deep down there’s a gloomy song.

I know your love is true,
My heart always draws a picture of you.
But why is the certainty so blue?

Oh! My love, your clinging to the past,
Will never set us apart,
If your love for me is true to last.

I have a heart which is filled with love and care,
I don’t want to be a passing affair,
Give me a chance which is fare.

I am different, as all individuals,
I have my own persona and principles,
I won’t be ashamed to call myself as an ‘original’.

Acceptance prevails, if from both ends,
I did it, now it’s your bend,
Hope our hearts now befriends.

Wishing ‘you and me’ are forever,
Which we would always treasure,
And the agony in my heart is over.

A new day full with bright light,
Will certainly uplift our love in right,
Here for again, my heart to your heart makes an invite.

Saturday 27 June 2015

I didn’t knew, till I was you…

I didn’t knew,
Till I was you.
I didn’t knew,
Till I was you.

I have shouted,
And argued.
Have hugged,
And kissed.
Feeling of this,
Was new,
As soon as,
I became you.

The peck on my cheek,
And the slamming of my foot on floor,
All reminded me,
Of myself and you.

You gave me birth,
A life to explore and search.
Same was the feel soon,
When I conceived her as a boon.

Later held her finger
To walk together.
I didn’t knew,
Till I was you.

Slowly but steadily,
You became my mentor.
I wanted to be you,
But yes was complete
When I was you.

When I see her eyes,
Deep down I see mine.
The hunger is similar,
To what, you must be familiar.

Whether the first kick,
Or together the first click.
All meant to be as you…

As I am today you,
Only because of you.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Bond of Tying Tie

 Red, Black, Blue and Grey,
They were hanging in a sway.

As I touched each one,
My bangles rustled along the run.

Thinking about the shirt,
I picked blue leaving behind the rest.

Its texture was soft and smooth,
Felt like a feather when moved.

Its fragrance was sweet,
Familiar and neat.

I held it near my heart,
Closed my eyes, went deep down from start.

Everything about it was so beautiful,
My eyes were nearly full.

I turned around,
Saw him with a smile and little frown.

He was watching me since long,
And I was in my own world of song.

His eyes questioned,
My smile answered.

I encircled my arms around him,
He pulled me towards him.

Shyly, I wrapped the tie around his collar,
He gave me a peck of million dollars.

Tying a tie,
May be an art to try.

But for me, from selecting one,
To tying it, was everything to won.

My heart knows and believes firm,
This tying tie has made a bond for confirm.